Should they stay or go?

Honestly the chargers should just leave.  First off the last time they went to the super bowl was  in 1995 …and they lost.  So lets take this chance and let them go and get our dignity back and be the proud city we once we MANY years.  Also many San Dieagans are fans of other teams that are not the chargers therefore chargers have lost most interest. ITS TIME TO SEND THE CHARGERS BACK HOME!


Are You a Responsible Person? (Take this self-evaluation and decide for yourself.) Personal Responsibility: True False

I do what needs to be done.

I am reliable and dependable.

I never make excuses or blame others for my actions.

I always follow through on my commitments.

Social Responsibility:

True False I do my part for the common good.

I volunteer in my school or community.

I participate in community service.

I do what I can to help take care of the environment.

For the most part i am a responsible person, but just because  i have some qualities of a responsible person doesn’t mean i am responsible.  I still need to work on being responsible and mature.

5 things I’m hopeful for…

Honestly I don’t really have any hopes for far future yet.  Unlike any of my friends I am not thinking about what college I want to go to or what I want to do when I’m an adult. But I guess I should probably try, so here goes nothing.

The first thing I’m hopeful for is that When I’m older i won’t forget all the great people who made middle school worth it.

The second thing I’m hopeful for is to make things that i love and do a lot my career.  I have been acting sense I was very little. I started doing this thing called children choir when i was 6 and we did little musicals which I loved.  Then when I was in 3rd grade the director died of cancer so we decided to take a break.  4th grade was probably the worst school year I ever experienced.  All of my friends turned of me because a girl who I thought was my friend started spreading false rumors about me.  After that i started to close down and became super insecure about everything.  My mom decided to put me in a musical called Modern Millie Jr with a local theater group called KTN ( Kids Theater Network).  I’ve been with this theater group ever sense and now i am in 8th grade.  I am currently in my 6th show  with them, its the little mermaid jr and i am playing the lead role Ariel.  Acting and being in theater has helped me a lot, for some reason being onstage as a different person relaxes me and its the only place I’m comfortable.  Theater has also helped me open up to people and i also made some of my closest friends through it.

the third thing im hopeful for is that i will travel a lot when im older.  The reason for thins is because i want to see the world.

the forth thing im hopeful that they find a great cure for Alzheimer disease.  before you ask no, none of my family members have this disease.  I just feel like this is a very bad disease.

the final thing im hopeful for  is that they find a way to make dogs live as long ad the average human


What makes a great post?

In my opinion a great post consist of how to’s or diy’s.  The reason  I believe this is because people like to learn stuff for their ever y day lives.  this can be useful because then they will come back to see more diys and they also can make life easier.  For example when I am decorating for Halloween i usually look for diy Halloween decorations.  With how to videos you can learn how to do your make up correctly or how to build a shed.  So if your looking for a new way to post then just use how to’s and diys and bam hopefully you will get more people viewing you post and website.

what should i get my middle school kid for his/her b-day?

Middle school is a very weird stage in a kids life because your not quite a little kid but your quite a teenager yet.  Its hard to shop for us because you cant buy us dolls anymore but you cant buy us a car either.  So here is a list of things we like.

. cell phone cases: now a days most kids have cell phones and get bored of cases easily so its always good to have a new phone case or a a variety of cases to match different  outfits which leads me to the next thing…

. gift cards: at this age we don’t have a lot of jobs open to us because we don’t have working permits yet, so its hard for us to get money.  gift cards are the perfect gift because you can give the kid money to shop at a store they like, it may not seem like a lot but kids love gift cards trust me.

this is about all i can think about right now but trust be it will work!